29 czerwca 2024

US Film and TV Actor, 'Ted Danson'. _______________________________________ ‎(NI10778)‎
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Show Details Shared Note: - US Film and TV Actor, 'Ted Danson'. _______________________________________
Best known for his role as 'Sam Malone' in TV series, "Cheers" ‎(Emmy Awards, 1990 & 1993)‎ ‎(Golden Globe Awards, 1990 & 1991)‎, and as 'Dr. John Becker' in TV series, "Becker". He received an additional Golden Globe Award for 1985's "Something About Amelia".
His 1993 divorce of second wife, Casey, set a record ‎(at that time)‎ in Hollywood, costing him $25 million in alimony. He was having a somewhat public affair at the time with comedian/actress, Whoopi Goldberg.

Genealogy Data File Compiled by R.J. Boyce & K. Hall Boyce; eMail contact: ar_jay_bee@yahoo.com

US Film and TV Actor, 'Ted Danson'. _______________________________________

INDINameBirthAnniversaryPlaceChildrenDeathAnniversaryAgePlaceLast Change
1I10778Danson, Edward Bridge "Ted"

Total individuals : 1