"Mrs. Theresa Ley Passes Away Friday-Leaves Large Family"

Mrs. Theresa Ley, nee Theresa Greden, was born May 9, 1856, in Belgium. She came to the United States with her parents at the age of five years and the family settled at Port Washington, Wis. Here she received her early education and spent her childhood days. Her marriage to J.H. Ley occurred June 24, 1877. To this union 11 children were born, but twin boys born Jan. 11, 1900, died soon after birth. The surviving children are: Mrs. J.G. Lauters, Sioux Falls, S.D.; Mrs. Peter Fisch, Oyens; Mrs. J.G. Nemmers, LeMars; Mrs. J.W. Nemmers, LeMars; Mrs. Frank Faber, Aurelia; Mrs. P.F. Thoma, LeMars; Mrs. Theo Warren, LeMars; Andrew G. Ley, Carroll; Mrs. A. Klenner, LeMars. One sister, Mrs. Helen Pulles of Wabasha, Minn., and one brother, Frank Greden of Minnieska, Minn., survive. Mr. Ley, husband of deceased, died Oct. 29, 1901 of pneumonia. Mrs. Ley is also survived by (blank) grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Her death occurred Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. P.F. Thoma. The funeral was held this morning at 10 o'clock from St. Joseph Catholic Church and the body was interred in the St. Joseph's cemetery.

Source: LeMars Globe Post, 22 Nov 1926